May 11, 2023

A new line of layered products has been launched


“Mantinga”, the largest producer of bread, snacks and frozen products in the Baltic countries, continues to expand its production capacity - a new line of layered products has been launched at the factory in Marijampolė, which will help to expand the range and increase production efficiency, and will also create 60-70 new job places. The company invested 14.5 million Euros in the installation of the new line, which took almost two years.

The new production line, which expands the layered products workshop, has a higher productivity than the layered products lines used so far – the amount of layered products produced in it can reach 1500 kg per hour.

“We are constantly investing in production, aiming both for greater efficiency and to expand the range of high-quality products offered to consumers. It is planned to produce more than 50 different layered pastry products in the new layered product line, thus we aim not only to transfer part of the products to the new production line, but also to use it to create new products for which we did not have the technical capabilities until now”, – says Vytenis Kupstas, Head of “Mantinga Group” production companies.

According to him, it is planned that the new production line will be able to produce layered pastry cakes with chocolate (“Pain au chocolat”), which require extremely precise chocolate preparation equipment that ensures the required properties of the filling and the highest quality of the products. Also, the new line will allow expanding the assortment of savory products – for these, special filling dispensers and decorating equipment will be provided, which can evenly sprinkle baked goods with various seeds or cheese.

The new layered product line consists of equipment from different suppliers from Holland, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.

“Each production line is made up of equipment from different manufacturers, combining it to meet the specific needs of the technological process of the line. In this case, the production line is dedicated to one of the most complex products – layered pastry products, so many parts of the line were made to individual order. In this way, we ensure that the new production line will work flawlessly and fully meet our needs”, – says V. Kupstas.

Quality and energy efficiency will be ensured

The new layered product line operates in the layered product workshop opened in 2015 in the newest “Mantinga” factory, utilizing the existing production premises – thus ensuring lower energy consumption for refrigeration, although the new line uses significantly less electricity than the old ones.

Another important aspect that allows to achieve another sustainability goal of the company – to reduce the waste of resources used during production, is that the new line will allow the maximum use of dough scraps in production.

Many processes in the new line are automated, which allows to reduce the need for manual work. Nevertheless, the need for employees is unavoidable – the company is currently intensively looking for new employees to work on this line.

Currently, “Mantinga” manages 4 factories: three in Marijampolė and “Fresh Food Production” in Latvia, acquired in the fall of 2022. The production area exceeds 41 thousand square meters. The assortment of the largest Lithuanian manufacturers in Vienna consists of 1000 products, the products are exported to more than 40 countries, from Europe to much further afield, such as the USA, Japan and Chile.
